Weavers Court Residents Have a Roarsome Day Out
With the summer season upon us, Weavers Court residents enjoyed one of their planned day trips, opting to explore Yorkshire Wildlife Park near Doncaster.
The residents had a fantastic day out, exploring all that the park has to offer – and have enjoyed talking about it since they returned back.
From Zoo to Conservation Reserve
With the focus of zoology now falling on conservation and species protection, it’s great to think that the Yorkshire Wildlife Park is such a leading light in animal welfare. Opening in 2009, on the site of a former riding school and farm attraction, the Wildlife Park is now home to over 400 animals and looks after 70 different species.
The Park sets out to be an interactive experience and a centre for the conservation of biodiversity that promotes a greater, deeper understanding of the natural world and enable people to support and protect the world around us.
Some of the most important milestones for the park have featured important developments for the animals that now live there. February 2010 witnessed the rescued of 13 lions from a dilapidated zoo in Romania by the Wildlife Park and their introduction to their new home in the park’s newly built 10-acre Lion Country enclosure. In 2014, the Park opened Project Polar, with Victor, a 500kg polar bear and his grandson, Pixel, in 2015. With the Park expanding in 2021, it is now home to a Sea Lion reserve, which includes one of the largest purpose-built water habitats of its kind in the world!
Betty quoted “It was a very nice day, very different for me” with another commenting that both the weather and company were ‘perfect’. Dennis summed it up well for everyone when he said, “I had a great day”.
With so many different species to see, habitats to marvel at and animals to view, it’s no wonder that our residents had such a wonderful time.
What’s On at Weavers Court
Days out are always really popular at Weavers Court but there’s much, much more to life with Adore Care. Our entire activities programme is developed in a holistic way that considers all aspects of our residents’ lives, from the physical, mental and spiritual to the therapeutic, sensual and socially enriching. Our residents play a big part in what we do, with full engagement of what they would like to do and when. Just as we do in our everyday lives, we can swap a planned walk on an unplanned rainy day into a movie afternoon or a drink in the bar to evening drinks on the terrace.